January 2022 Newsletter

Welcome from CEO Mark Bustard

IBioIC CEO Mark Bustard

A belated Happy New Year on behalf of the IBioIC team.

IBioIC has started the year on the front foot for delivering success, with the launch of two funding competitions. The IBioIC Spin Out Support programme and the IBioIC Feasibility Fund competitions are open for applications, with both calls having up to £20k funding available.

2021 had many positive wins for the industrial biotechnology community, and I am very proud of our impact for Scotland and more widely. I was delighted to see so many of you in person at the IBioIC COP26 receptions held in Glasgow with Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise Ivan McKee MSP. A big win for the bioeconomy came in December, with the news that as part of the Falkirk Growth Deal, £10m has been set aside for a Bioeconomy Accelerator Pilot Plant to develop new sustainable processes.

Lastly, a warm welcome to Johnson Matthey, Prickly Thistle, Hexis Lab, BioSimetrics, Hyaltech, Advetec and Microplate Dx as the newest members to join the IBioIC community network.

Best wishes,



 Welcome to our newest members

We’re delighted to welcome the newest members of the IBioIC member community who have joined us this quarter.

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 IBioIC News

It’s been a significant quarter for the bioeconomy in Scotland with a major new Net Zero report - prepared by IBioIC on behalf of Scottish Enterprise - on the potential re-introduction of sugar beet to Scotland’s farmland, the announcement of the Falkirk Growth Deal set to attract £1bn of investment and up to 2000 jobs to the area, and COP26, which saw IBioIC welcome Scottish Government’s Minister for Business Trade Tourism and Enterprise Ivan McKee MSP to our fringe event, and join the BSI hosted panel event.

IBioIC in the News covers lots of other activities which have garnered media attention, while behind the scenes we have adopted a new account management system to help us better support our members, funded and supported exciting projects with our industrial and academic members, and brought together experts to drive innovation in Scotland’s bioeconomy through the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder project.

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 News from the Network

The Bioeconomy in Scotland is increasingly being described as a major contributor to Scotland’s economy. Within Scotland and beyond, biotechnology is increasingly contributing solutions to net zero ambitions across multiple industries. With new commercial plants being funded and built, partnerships with major supermarkets and innovations going on behind the scenes in industries like aquaculture, medicine, chemicals and cosmetics, our January 2022 snapshot of member highlights below offers a glimpse into the engine room powering the biotechnology locomotive.

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