Bringing biotech solutions to new markets

Investor showcase

In September, the BCB ran its first investor showcase event – The Bioeconomy: An Investor’s Perspective. This webinar provided an opportunity for SMEs to hear first-hand about the strategy and selection criteria of four investment companies:

  • Archangel Investors

  • BASF Venture Capital

  • BP Ventures

  • Green Angel Syndicate

After presentations from representatives of each organisation there was an opportunity for the audience of eighty attendees to engage directly with the speakers during a Q&A segment.

At a complementary session in late January 2022, selected SMEs will have the opportunity to pitch their proposal to these investors. Following a selection process, three successful companies were scheduled to receive investor readiness training provided by BCB partner Scottish Enterprise; BPlasticFree, Green Bioactives and Greenskill Environmental Technology. 

We were delighted to have this event picked up by Industrial Biotechnology journal here.

Focus Group

Also In September, the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder, in conjunction with the Blue Economy Cluster Builder, ran a focus group to support CessCon in the development of their proposal to valorise biomass attached to decommissioned offshore infrastructure. The session brought together key stakeholders including academics, SMEs and Innovation Centre staff who were able to identify several research and funding opportunities to help CessCon progress their proposition.

Making Connections

Over the last quarter, the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder has been supporting Loch Ewe Brewing Company with the development of their innovative carbon capture and utilisation concept. We’ve connected lead entrepreneur, James Struthers, with key stakeholders and resources to help him develop his proposal and look forward to working together in 2022.

Valerie Evans