Funded projects

We are pleased to have been able to award 4 Feasibility projects in the June round. These projects really demonstrate the breadth of IB that we are able to support, and they also show the wide range of capabilities and expertise available to industry at Scottish HEIs.

  • SEM and the University of Edinburgh have teamed up to look at ways of recovering waste metals from alloy and metal fabrication using a biological system developed by SEM.

  • Mara Seaweed will be testing ways of preserving seaweed using fermentation with the help of scientists from Strathclyde.

  • Trax Technology will trial generating energy and materials from rubber with support from Robert Gordon University.

  • New Wave Foods and Cambond will work with SRUC to demonstrate the biorefining capabilities of wild harvested and farmed seaweed.

On top of IBioIC’s own funding calls we are pleased to support partners Converge and Scottish EDGE with their own industry support.

In June, Edinburgh-based Lentitek Ltd, a provider of next-generation cancer therapy treatment CAR-T, won £100,000 in the IBioIC EDGE award as part of Scottish EDGE.

Also in this quarter, we were delighted to celebrate Impact Solutions’ InnovateUK award win. This award was the result of a very successful Feasibility study funded by IBioIC to look at the valorisation of fish processing sludge. IBioIC was able to provide vital contacts through the supply chain, enabling the initial work to grow into the large, multi-partner project it is now. Well done team!

And finally, we’ve been working behind the scenes to develop a new programme to provide bespoke start up and spin-out support to fledgling companies in the biotech sector. The Biotech Innovators programme will be launched during Bioeconomy Week and will offer young companies advice on finding lab space, putting together a board and securing further funding and investment.

Valerie Evans