IBioIC in the News


Sensing new technology for detecting chemical contamination 

This Nanosensr story from earlier in 2023 was picked up for a feature by Laboratory News and was published in their print edition in August. 

Project aims to prove plastic can be fantastic for pharmaceuticals 

Another story about Impact Solutions’ project, originally published in July 2023, continued to receive exposure in The Chemical Engineer and The Chemanalyst in August. 


Researchers extract rare metals to put a new spin on decommissioned wind turbines 

SEM’s work to develop a technique for extracting rare elements from waste alloy metals was covered by Energy Voice, Energy Voice - Twitter, Energy Voice - LinkedIn, The Energyst, Scottish Business Insider, Scottish Business Insider - Twitter, ReNews, and Materials Recycling World.  

Kerecycle Project 

In October, France TV Londres conducted an interview with the partners on this project from 2022 which was broadcast on the station on 10 October and shared on France TV Londres – Twitter

German TV also covered this story in June 2023.

Valerie Evans