Supporting our members

By Caroline Kewney, Senior Business Engagement Manager, IBioIC

We are working hard to increase the membership base and the support and services we provide to our members. To that end we are pleased to announce that we recently welcomed our 140th member to IBioIC.  CessCon joined us at the end of March, providing environmentally responsible decommissioning services onshore and off to various industries including oil and gas, pharmaceutical, chemical and nuclear. Overall, we welcomed a total of 14 new members this quarter, expanding and building on the breadth and range of our current activities.

One of the bey benefits in joining IBioIC are the networking opportunities, not only in person and online events, but targeted introductions and collaborative work, enabling industry members and academic partners to build quality contacts and extend their network.  We also support marketing and recruitment, as well as providing funding, and supporting members in sourcing additional, alternative and future funding.  The key goal is support towards easing and de-risking the journey from idea to market-place, and our industry-led collaborative projects, technical support, and scale-up facilities provide further support to our service offerings and this journey.  Additionally, the education and training provided by Skills department produce a range of excellent, highly qualified skilled and experienced HND, MSc and PhD graduates, and we also run and support a range of courses which support currently gaps in skills development as well as skilling the workforce for future demands, which are rapidly increasing.   

Please contact our Business Engagement managers to discuss what further opportunities in collaborating with IBioIC.

Valerie Evans